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  • Writer's pictureMarMar Oaks

New Moon, New Season, New Me!

For 42 years and 8 months, I have made excuses.

Without realizing it, or ever admitting it before, I am an excuse machine.

(It's time to call a spade a spade. No more excuses!)

I didn't realize it at the time, and it's not a bad thing as it was what felt right at the time, but I did make excuses. Why don't I write my blog more often? Oh, I don't have the time. Why don't I do that? I can't afford it. We don't have what we need for that renovation, etc etc etc. Excuse, after excuse.

Is that truth, or is that the truth that my brain made up?

Thoughts are not always truth. I've been told this by 3 different people in the last 2 weeks so I think that the universe is trying to tell me something. I hear ya. But we all do it... but the irony, when I started to really think about it, is that focusing on "don't have" will just create more lack.

Focusing on NOT having time will just give me less time, as I'm wasting it worrying.

I'm not going to make money, or even find money (yes, it happens) if I focus on not having money.

Instead of focusing on what I don't have, I need to shift to what I DO have.

Shift the energy, shift the habit, shift the magic.

Time is a big one for me. I never "have time" which is true in part because it take me forever to complete tasked, working on an ADHD engine in my brain, but I eventually get it done. I just have to refocus and know that I DO have the time, if I take it. 15 minutes less Facebook, 15 minutes more cleaning that desk that is getting cluttered. A clutter free desk will bring me better energy than Facebook, and better energy naturally multiplies so this will help be find time for other stuff.

And my focus on "not having time" also fuels the energy of lack...

... which will prevent money from coming in, as it doesn't come in on an energy of lack...

... which will give me more excuses to avoid the things I should be doing to change my shit!

There. I said it. Telling myself I don't have something is the reason I don't have it.

I've been going through this healing journey for a decade so some of you are like "WHAAAAAT is she talking about" but someday, you will read this and realize that it made sense. It's all in perspective, it's all in how we CHOOSE to look at things, it's all in no long making excuses and taking ACTION to reach out goals. What do we tell our kids when they want something? Here's how you get it. But then we want stuff and we sit around listing all the reasons we don't have it on a Facebook pitty-party post.

I'm not pointing fingers - I've done it. What I'm saying is use this moon, this time of rebirth, to reclaim your time. Reclaim your abundance. Reclaim what should be coming to you if you weren't so busy finding reasons why it's not. It's time to parent ourselves to stop making excuses and just clean our room already (still stuck on the kids analogy but it does fit). It's time to DECLUTTER the excuses.

Steps. 15 minutes is all you need to start.

Take the firs step. (Read my post from yesterday).

Let's collectively stop making excuses, because the energy on the other side is so much lighter, for all of us. You will notice, as I have, that when you stop making excuses and take positive actions, the other people around you start doing the same. It's really interesting how energy really works!

My main one for me is my phone.

I bitch about my "not enough time" but I can doom-scroll for half hour before bed like a champ, which is terrible as the human brain should not be absorbing screen time before bed. I always wanted to be the person that does her hour of yoga before bed, but do everything but. Why? Cause I'm choosing to do everything else but. No one is forcing me to do anything here, I am not a victim of lack of time. I'm just not doing it. Last few weeks, I've had an alarm on my smart watch reminding me to go to bed (as I have ADHD and I literally need a reminder... but I will keep this for another day, and no, I do NOT use ADHD as an excuse as it's not a lack, its a different engine is all ). Last night, it went off and I went directly to my room and lit candle lights and set up my mat to do yoga. I looked at the time, and its like it had slowed down, to give me all the time I needed for yoga before bed. I did so, and slept amazingly afterwards.

Without my phone in my room ( a rule I try to follow so hard! ), I was alone. Electronics-less. Expectations-less. Noise-less. To-Do-less, and it was just me, my mat and my one and only body.

It was glorious.

I can only be a good ME for the other 23 hours of the day, if I am sure to make time for me. To MAKE the time. To TAKE the time. To create a pocket of time where excuses do not live and go there.

Tonight, I will do it again.

With my journal. To outline the rest of the things I'd like to declutter in my mind this spring.

Stay tuned! I love you all,



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